After the final drawing of the Leaf Inquiry, students began the Insect Inquiry with a drawing of insects from memory. (Click here for Leaf Inquiry.)
Student memory drawing of an insect.
Next, students drew a couple short (2 - 5 minute) observational sketches of the plastic insect models using crayons.
Student observational drawing of an insect using a plastic insect model.
For the next step of the inquiry, I drew a diagram of an insect on the board and students drew it on their paper. The diagram focused on using ovals to show the way an insect's body is composed of segments. Students also labeled the three body parts (head, abdomen & thorax), six legs and antenna. We also reviewed and drew together samples of the branching structure of leaf veins and variations on leaf edges to facilitate a talk on what makes an insect an insect and what makes a leaf a leaf.
Below are student diagrams of leaves and insects.
Student diagrams of leaves & insects.